What Do We Know About Solitude?

Restoring Rebooting Refocusing


Solitude is a vital discipline for growth; we are able to experience a whole restoration – mind, body & soul. Solitude is completed by moments of silence, a period of rest & sometimes NOTHING. During these times we allow ourselves to focus on an intimate connection with Our Creator – GOD. We learned of solitude and its importance through representations and stories of Moses, Paul, Peter & Jesus during their individual times of prayer & meditation.


During a time of Rest, Refreshment and Rebooting we learn to hear from GOD. Moments of solitude creates a time where we can reboot and bring attention back to ourselves, our purpose, our mission and our place here on Earth. Take this time to focus your attention on your progress and areas where there is room for change, adjustments and realigning.

This allows you to free up space in your mind; disconnecting from the worries, distractions and influences of purposeless matters, gossip, greed & a variety of other distractions of everyday life.


Use these moments for connecting with you & loving on you. It is often stated: You can’t give something to another person that you haven’t given or tried to give to yourself. Use this time to develop empathy; redirect any competitive nature and try adapting an infinite mindset (Simon Sinek). We are able to accept the idea of gathering with and developing a sense of compassion for those outside of our inner circle.


A little privacy restores a sense of security and rebuilds an individual based perspective, that can then be presented confidently into a group format. Solitude allows for our brains to have a chance to wander and potentially spark creativity. Studies have shown alone time has the ability to increase happiness, self-satisfaction and improve stress management.

Ultimately, solitude, silence and periodic alone time helps you become comfortable with you. No outside influences. Becoming aware & gaining a better understanding of who you are as an individual and your place here on Earth.

a lifestyle of humanity